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HomeCorporateOrganizing Compassion: The Story Behind Bangbet’s Emali Visit

Organizing Compassion: The Story Behind Bangbet’s Emali Visit

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a crucial part of Bangbet’s mission. On 18th April 2023, our commitment to making a positive impact led us to Emali, a small town with big dreams. Join us as we journey through Bangbet’s visit to Emali, uncovering the intricate planning, flawless execution, and the heartwarming moments that made this event truly special.

The Genesis of the Emali Visit

The idea for Bangbet’s Emali visit originated from our dedication to giving back to the community. Our CSR team identified Emali as a location that could benefit significantly from our support. The town, known for its vibrant community and scenic landscapes, has several children’s homes in need of resources and attention.

Planning with Purpose

Planning such an event required meticulous coordination. Our team began by reaching out to local authorities and organizations in Emali. We wanted to ensure that our visit would be impactful and aligned with the needs of the community. Meetings were held to discuss the logistical aspects, from transportation to the distribution of donations.

One of the key elements in planning was understanding the specific needs of the children’s homes. We conducted surveys and interviews to gather this information, ensuring that our contributions would address the most pressing issues.

Bangbet visited a children's home in Emali as part of CSR
Some of the donations by Bangbet

Mobilizing Resources

With a clear plan in place, the next step was mobilizing resources. Bangbet allocated a significant portion of its CSR budget to the Emali project. Our employees also played a vital role, volunteering their time and skills. We partnered with local businesses to gather supplies, including food, clothing, educational materials, and sports equipment.

The Journey to Emali

The day of the visit was filled with excitement and anticipation. Our team, along with volunteers, embarked on the journey to Emali early in the morning. The convoy of vehicles, loaded with donations, made its way through the scenic routes of Kenya, heading towards the town that awaited our arrival.

A Warm Welcome

Upon arrival, we were greeted with warm smiles and open arms. The children and staff at the homes were eagerly awaiting our visit. The welcome ceremony included traditional songs and dances, showcasing the rich culture of Emali. This heartfelt reception set the tone for the day’s activities.

Activities and Engagement

Our visit was packed with various activities designed to engage and uplift the children. We organized sports events, including football matches and relay races. These activities not only provided entertainment but also promoted teamwork and physical fitness. The children’s enthusiasm and energy were infectious, making the day even more special.

In addition to sports, we conducted educational sessions. Our volunteers, including teachers and professionals, offered tutoring in subjects like mathematics, science, and English. We also held workshops on hygiene and health, emphasizing the importance of clean living practices.

Bangbet visited a children's home in Emali as part of CSR
Bangbet’s volunteers and the children in the home playing tag of war

Distribution of Donations

One of the highlights of the visit was the distribution of donations. Each child received a care package containing clothing, school supplies, and hygiene products. We also provided the homes with bulk supplies of food and other essentials. The joy on the children’s faces as they received their packages was indescribable.

Building Lasting Connections

Our goal was not just to provide immediate relief but to build lasting connections. We established a partnership with the local authorities to ensure continued support for the children’s homes. This includes regular visits, mentorship programs, and additional donations in the future.

Reflecting on the Experience

As the day came to an end, our team took a moment to reflect on the experience. The smiles, laughter, and gratitude we witnessed reaffirmed our commitment to making a difference. The Emali visit was not just a CSR activity; it was a journey of compassion and community.

Looking Ahead

Bangbet is committed to continuing our CSR initiatives, with more projects planned for the future. Our visit to Emali has set a precedent for the type of impact we aim to achieve. We believe that by organizing compassion and mobilizing resources, we can create positive change in communities across Kenya.



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